KY Begins Controversy With Casino Domain Owners

The newest scandal in the rocky world of online slot machine and casino gambling site news is based in the state of Kentucky. The Bluegrass State is trying to muscle in on the turf of some gambling sites on the World Wide Web by making them surrender the many registered internet domain names that they have set aside for future use or speculation. Granted, the world of American online gambling has resembled nothing so much as a soap opera in recent years. The UIGEA and the subsequent struggle to determine what, exactly, the legislation did has made a mess of what was once a profitable and booming industry.

Now, Kentucky wants to undermine some of the few online slots and casino gambling sites that are still doing business in the US. A “small but powerful” group of American gambling sites have bought up one hundred and forty one internet gambling domains through hosting service These gambling groups – including the infamous Golden Casino – are not currently operating online slots casinos on these sites, but may do so in the future, or sell these valuable domains at sky-high prices. Either option is unpalatable to the State of Kentucky, which has taken it upon itself to try and seize the questionable domains as “illegal gambling devices.”

Naturally, these casino groups are not going to back down without a fight. The activism and lobbying groups funded by some of the biggest American online casinos have filed numerous Motions to Dismiss against Kentucky Justice Secretary J. Michael Brown, who is leading the oppressive and ridiculous brigade to stifle an industry that he does not like. As Kentucky has no jurisdiction over these casinos, the whole matter is patently ludicrous.

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